Monday, March 8, 2010

Introduction to the Project: What are the Issues that Are Important to US?


What do people need to know?
What doesn't get enough attention? (think locally and Globally)
What is the best way to get people to pay attention?

Violence, School=Stress, Orphans, Bad Education, Suicide, History of Music, Body Odor/Diet/Dental and personal Hygiene, Animal Abuse, Personality, MTA, Chicken, Culture/History, Parental Involvement, Animal Extinction, Recession/Economy, Recycling, Teen Depression, Life

Your Future, English, Immigrants, Guns and Violence, Health Insurance, Appreciation of Wealth and Opportunity, Pay Attention to Details, Child Labor, Technology, Common Sense, Education, Child Abuse, Survival in Wilderness, Personal History, Lead Poisoning, Learning to Drive, Sex Education, Rape, Your Surroundings, Cooking, Knowledge, Your Future.

Consequence, Pay Attention, Way we live, Racism, That People Are Different, Immortality/Death, Appreciate Life, Communication, Global Warming, AIDS/STD Prevention ,Recycling, Green House Gasses, Dooms Day, World Hunger, Famous People Power, 3rd World, Education, Self Pride, Censorship, Animals in the Environment, Science, America Sucks, Don't Judge People, More Self Awareness, Small Gestures


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